Manfred Mann

The band that turned the phrase “Do-Wah-Diddy-Diddy” into a hit song.!

Manfred Mann and The ManfredsManfred Mann, Paul Jones, vocals, harmonica, Mike Hugg, drums, Manfred, keyboards, Mike Vickers, guitars.

Manfred Mann kicks things off

Manfred Mann (real name Mike Lubowitz) was a jazz player in South Africa, moved to the U.K. in 1962, where he met Mike Hugg, forming the Mann-Hugg Blues Brothers with  Hugg on drums.Tom McGuinness came along in1963, then Mike Vickers on Guitar filled out the group.

Paul Jones leading the band on T.V.Promoting Do Wah Diddy Diddy, July 1964

They debuted at the marquee in March ’63 and established themselves as a popular band in the Southern club scene.The story goes that when they were looking for a vocalist, they approached Paul Jones saying they were looking for a blues shouter.

Jones replied saying he was a blues singer, not a shouter. How right he was, along with John Lennon Paul Rodgers and rod Stewart he is one of the best singers to emerge from the invasion bands.

Mann-Hugg become Manfred Mann

And, a superb harmonica player as well.

With the name change to Manfred Mann and the Manfreds, then just the Manfred Mann, things started to move for the band. Signed to H.M.V., they scored their first hit with “5 4 3 2 1” in February 1964.

Next came “Hubble Bubble”, in April, reaching Number 11 on the U.K. Charts. Then, they struck gold with the cover of the Exciters hit, “Doh-Wah-Diddy-Diddy”.This went to No. 1 in the U.K., Canada, the U.S and Australia.

The hits came thick and fast after that, “Sha La La” in October, the romantic “Come Tomorrow” January ’65, then “If You Gotta Go”, and “Pretty Flaming” in’65 and ’66. Paul Jones moved on to a solo career, including a bit of acting.

In 1966 there was only one man who could fill Paul Jones' shoes as front man for Manfred Mann.  Already attracting attention with his group, A Band Of Angels, Mike was thrust into a wider limelight with the Manfreds and the well-oiled hit machine rolled on.  Just Like A Woman, Semi-Detached Suburban Mr James and Mighty Quinn were just three of the string of hits with the 'new boy' in the line-up.

And, like his predecessor, Mike's career after the disbanding of the Manfreds in 1969 lost none of its momentum.  He'd already proved his impressive skill as a songwriter by composing Build Me Up Buttercup for The Foundations and Handbags & Gladrags, a massive hit for Chris Farlowe, reprised with equal success by Rod Stewart, first in 1970 and more recently on his MTV-based 'unplugged' album.  Mike recorded solo albums, made his acting debut in the West End and used his musical talents wherever they led him; from the soundtrack of the Peter Sellers/Goldie Hawn movie There's A Girl In My Soup to an array of TV jingles, including Cadbury's 'Finger of Fudge', Mike d'Abo's creative career is a seamless success story.

Manfred Mann T.V. appearanceAppearing on Ready Steady Go!, 1965, with Tom McGuinness on lead guitar and Jack Bruce on bass. What's with the sax player?

I was lucky enough to see Manfred Mann three times, the first time as the original line up in 1965, (with the Kinks and Tony Sheveton,) where they performed brilliantly.

Next, in May 1971 they came as Manfred Manns Earthband, touring with Deep purple and Free. What a line up!

The line up then was Manfred, Mick Rodgers, (familiar to Australians for having been with Procession and Bulldog, two great Australian Bands) Chris Slade on drums, (later to be with AC/DC) and Colin Patterson on bass.

The last time, sometime in the late 90’s I saw the Manfreds with Tom McGuinness, Mike D’Abo AND Paul Jones “ you get two vocalists for the price of one”, said Paul) Rob Townsend on drums and Benny Gallagher on bass. A truly great performance.

Manfred Mann on vinyl

Luckily there is a bit of the original Manfred Mann on vinyl. As usual, there are different releases in the U.S. to the U.K.

Five Faces of Manfred Mann on Vinyl.

The Five Faces Album

This album, the first one release by H.M.V. in October 1964, a very competitive time for music in the U.K.  contains some classic blues covers, Smokestack Lightning, Sack o' Woe, Hoochie Coochie Mann, I'm Your Kingpin, and others. It went for a very impressive 39 minutes in length, and was described by reviewers as one of the strongest of the invasion albums.

A compilation of albums between 1964 and 1977, all on vinyl records.

Now, if you are a real fan of Manfred, here is an album to get! A great collection of Manfred Mann Greatest Hits, all the  recordings from 1964 to 1967, apparently put together with the approval of the band.                     

Here you get the original "Five Faces" album, plus "Mann Made Hits" which does include all the hits, plus extra albums "Mann Made" and "Soul of Mann".  What more could you want?

Another compilation album, "Mann Made Hits" includes "Pretty Flamingo", "Oh No! Not My Baby" and others.

  The a collection of the best from the original line up, coming out in 1966The album has 14 tracks, including "Pretty Flamingo",  "John Hardy",  "5-4-3-2-1-",  "The Man In The Middle" and  "Do Wah Diddy "

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Best Selling
Manfred Mann Album

The Five Phases of Manfred Mann, book by Greg Russo

An exclusive and fully authorized biography of MANFRED MANN written by long-time Manfred Mann fan GREG RUSSO, the 275-page "Mannerisms: The Five Phases Of Manfred Mann" guides fans on a three decade journey through the career of one of rock's most respected song interpreters. An excellent history of the band.

Buy Five Phases HERE

"Come Tomorrow" classic Paul Jones vocals

Manfred and the boys, "Do Wah Diddy" on U.K. TV.